Category: Govt. Jobs in Punjab

Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana Recruits Tractor Driver

Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana Regional Research Center, Ballowal Saunkhri, invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Post of Tractor Driver, on contract basis, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last Date: 16, […]

FAURC Canteen, Khasa Amritsar Recruits 12 Accountant, Clerk, Attendant, Helper

Faurc Canteen, Khasa, Amritsar Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions for fill the Posts of Accountant, Billing Clerk, Sale Attendant, on contract basis, other details of this post like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last Date: 08, January 2019. […]

MGNREGA, Fazilka Recruits 33 Computer Assistant, Gram Rozgar Sewak, Lekhakar

Additional District Programme Co-Coordinator (MGNREGA) Abohar Road, Fazilka, invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 33 Computer Assistant, Lekhakar, Gram Rozgar Sewak, on contract basis, for a period of One Year. other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given […]

VERKA, MILKFED Recruits 43 Senior Executive (Finance & Accounts, Marketing)

VERKA, The Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producer’s Federation, Milkfed Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 43 Senior Executive (Finance & Accounts) and Senior Executive (Marketing), other details of this post like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi […]

PSEB, Mohali Recruitment of 50 Clerk Cum Data Entry Operator

Punjab School Education Board, Mohali, invites Online applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 50 Clerk Cum Data Entry Operator, on regular basis, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last Date: […]

D.C Office, Sangrur Recruits 31 Stamp Vendor (ਅਸ਼ਟਾਮ ਫਰੋਸ਼)

Deputy Commissioner Office, Sangrur,  invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 31 Stamp Vendor (ਅਸ਼ਟਾਮ ਫਰੋਸ਼)on the basis of Merit. Only Sangrur District Resident Candidates can apply. other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font […]

ADC, Gurdaspur, Recruits 21 Cluster Coordinator, MIS Assistant, Manager, Etc.

Department of Rural Development and Panchayats, Office of Additional Deputy Commissioner (Development), Gurdaspur, invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of Accountant, Block Programme Manager, Cluster Coordinator, MIS Assistant, Under Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission (PSLRM), purely on contract basis, other details of these posts like age limit, […]

Secretariat Punjab Vidhan Sabha, Recruits 03 Clerk, Junior Translator

Secretariat Punjab Vidhan Sabha, (Legislative Assembly Punjab) invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 03 Clerk and  Junior Translator, on regular basis, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last […]