Category: Govt. Jobs in Punjab

Secretariat Punjab Vidhan Sabha, Recruits 28 DEO, Clerk, Computer Operator, Etc.

Secretariat Punjab Vidhan Sabha, (Legislative Assembly Punjab) invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 28 DEO, System Analyst, Assistant Programmer, Clerk, Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Junior Translator, Copy Holder, Watch and Ward Sahayak, Sewadar, Safai Sewak, purely on temporary basis, other details of these […]

Samagra Shikhsha, Chandigarh Recruits 196 TGT Teachers

Samagra Shiksha, Chandigarh invites online applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the posts of 196 TGT (Hindi, English, Punjabi, Science, Math, Social Science)  on contractual basis as per following details at fixed remuneration of Rs. 45756/- as revised from time to time by the society, other details of these posts […]

PSDM, Chandigarh Recruits 15 Manager, Thematic Expert, Assistant Accounts

Punjab Skill Development Board, Chandigarh  invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the posts of 15 Manager, Thematic Expert, Executive Assistant Accounts, on Contract basis. other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last […]

NIELIT, Chandigarh Recruits 08 Lab Assistant, Computer Operator, Etc.

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology, (NIELIT) Chandigarh invites online applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 08 Lab Assistant, Senior Faculty, Junior Faculty, Computer Operator, Peon,  other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi […]

SGRDUHS, Sri Amritsar Sahib Recruits Staff Nurses, Technician, Sewadar, Etc.

Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Science, Sri Amritsar Sahib Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of Accounts Officer, Staff Nurses, Lab Technicians, Security Guards, Safai Sewadars.  other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: […]

State Health Agency, Punjab Recruits 68 DEO, Coordinator, Manager, Etc.

State Health Agency, Punjab, State Institute of Health and Family Welfare Complex, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 68 DEO, Coordinator, Manager, Deputy Manager, Etc. under State Health Agency, Punjab, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are […]

BFUHS, Faridkot Recruits 130 Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist, Technician, Etc.

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Directorate of Health Service, Chandigarh Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 130 Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Radiographer, Medical Laboratory Technician, ANM, on contract basis, in the ESI Hospitals and Dispensaries of Punjab Region, other details of these posts like age […]

MGNREGA, Kapurthala Recruits 31 Gram Rozgar Sewak, Computer Assistant, Etc.

MGNREGA, Kapurthala invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts of 31 Gram Rozgar Sewak, Accounts Manager, Computer Assistant, Technical Assistant, purely on contract basis, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice […]