Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions for fill up the Dean, College of Veterinary Science, Director of Research, Deputy Director (Training), Clerk (Ten), Driver (Four), Post Mortem Attendant, Chowkidar (Ten), Sweeper (Five), other details of this post like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: […]
Category: GADVASU
GADVASU, Ludhiana Recruitment of 02 Skilled Workers
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions for fill up the 02 Posts of Skilled Workers, on contract basis, in the projects of different departments of this University, other details of this post like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are […]
GADVASU, Ludhiana Interview Schedule of Skilled Workers
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana has published the Merit List of candidates who has apply for the Posts of Skilled Workers on Contract Basis, List of Selected Candidates is shown below Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice The Following Shortlisted candidates on the basis of the merit are requested to attend […]
GADVASU, Ludhiana Recruitment of 06 Data Collection Assistant
College of Dairy Science & Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University Ludhiana, invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the posts of Data Collection Assistant (06), The post is purely temporary and is for six months or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier. other […]
GADVASU, Ludhiana Recruitment of Various Teaching/ Non Teaching Posts
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Posts Deputy Director, Assistant Professor, Assistant Veterinary Gynaeocologist, Veterinary Officer, Sub Divisional Engineer, Junior Engineer, Farm Manager, Computer Assistant, Stenographer Grade-III , Driver, etc. other details of these posts like age limit, […]
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Recruitment of 03 Skilled Workers
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up 03 Posts of Skilled Workers on contract basis, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi Typing Practice Last Date: 18, April […]
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana Recruitment of 03 Computer Assistant
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the 03 Posts of Computer Assistant on contract basis, in the different research projects of departments in the university, other details of this post like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given […]
College of Dairy Science & Technology, GADVASU, Ludhiana Recruitment of 4 Data Collection Assistant
College of Dairy Science & Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana invites applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the 04 Post of Data Collection Assistant on purely temporary basis for a period of six months, or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier, other details […]
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary University, Ludhiana Recruitment of 02 Field Assistant
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the 02 Posts of Field Assistants in the research project, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font […]
GADVASU, Ludhiana Recruitment of 02 Veterinary Inspector on Contract
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the 02 Posts of Veterinary Inspector on contact basis, at Veterinary Polytechnic and RRTC, Kaljharani (Bathinda), other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below: Raavi Font Punjabi […]