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Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana Recruits Junior Typing Assistant

College of Home Sciences, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana invites Applications from the eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for fill up the Post of Junior Typing Assistant, on contract basis, in the scheme SFS-03, “Self Financing Programme in the College of Home Science for a period of six months or till the termination of the scheme, whichever is earlier, other details of these posts like age limit, qualification, experience, how to apply, etc. are given below:

Last Date: 14, January 2019.

The Eligibility, Educational &. Professional Qualification and experience prescribed for the above post are as under:

Name of Post: Junior Typing Assistant

No of Posts: 01

Salary: Rs, 8632/- Per Month

Age Limit: 18 Years to 63 Years.



The post is purely temporary and initially for a period of six months which can be extended for a further period of six months at a time.

How to Apply: 

Interested and Eligible candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions may submit their applications on prescribed application form (Form is available in the office the Dean, College of Home Science, PAU, Ludhiana) on payment of Rs.100/- in the shape of a Bank Draft payable at Ludhiana in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana on any working day from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm along with attested copies of as to reach the office of the Dean, College of Home Science, PAU,Ludhiana on or before 14.01.2019 and appear before the selection committee for the interview on 24.01.2019 at 11.00 a.m. in the office of the Dean, College of Home Science, PAU, Ludhiana along with original certificates for which no separate letter will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The candidates who have already applied for this post need not to apply again.

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